Meat Cow Bison Hunt
Vaughn, MT
1-2 Hunters • Camper/RV • Private • Guided
Meat Cow Bison Hunt
2-4-Year-Old Meat Cow Bison | Average Live weight 1075 lbs. | Average Meat Yield 365 lbs. Boneless Cuts
Our hunts are a one-day bison hunt/harvest event. After a quick hunt briefing, we will have the hunter check their rifle at our shooting range/or use our suppressed field harvest rifle. Hunters should be able to consistently hit a 4-inch target at 100 yards. Once the hunter is confident that their rifle is sighted in, accurate and they can hit the target representative of the aim point on a bison, the hunt will begin.
Our Hunts are 100% Opportunity, and 100% Success.
Success depends upon the hunter's ability to shoot accurately. It is important that all hunters understand that compared to an elk or deer hunt a guided bison hunt is more of a field harvest than what many would consider a true hunt. Bison are massive herd animals, that stand out easily in the native grass prairie. Finding the bison herd by vehicle is comparatively easy, we will get the hunter within 50-100 yards. While finding the bison and getting in position is relatively easy, the real challenge is on the hunter to make a precision one-shot kill without injuring any of the herd mates moving around nearby. This is how bison hunting has always been and is no different from the challenge faced by the very first western buffalo hunters.
Buffalo are unpredictable and do sometimes charge humans and vehicles, so hunters need to stay in the vehicle for their own safety until it's time to take the shot when we set up outside the truck. When we are within range you will get out to shoot the animal. We urge all hunters to take a shot 3” behind the ear. This shot severs the spinal cord directly below the base of the skull and is the most humane shot. The shot will kill the bison instantly, prevent damage to meat, skull, or hide, and allow for a fast bleed.
Once the buffalo is down, we move in with a bail bed truck or tractor to load out the buffalo for pictures in a safe pasture and for field dressing. After the bison has been field dressed, we will load the carcass onto hunter’s truck, or we will deliver the carcass to the hunter’s choice of processor and taxidermist in Great Falls, MT.
Base price is per person for a single-day Meat Cow Bison Hunt/Harvest. One guest is allowed at no additional charge.
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Your Outfitter
Michael B
We do two things really well, We raise top quality bison and offer amazing opportunities to hunt amazing grass-fed bison meat
Gear List
- Weapon and Ammo
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Rules & Guidelines
One guest allowed at no additional charge. Hunter must be able to hit representative target at our shooting range before hunt. Wounded bison or other bison hit by hunters' bullet will be considered hunters kills and will need to be paid for by the hunter.
What is field dressing?
- Field dressing is the removal of the internal organs of hunted game to ensure rapid body heat loss, which prevents bacteria from growing on the surface of the carcass.
Is processing and taxidermy included in the hunt?
- The cost for meat processing and taxidermy is the hunter's responsibility and is not included in the cost of the hunt. 406 Processing usually holds processing slots for our buffalo beginning January 3 - September 15th. September 15 - January 2nd they only process wild game. Hunter is responsible for scheduling and working directly with taxidermists and processors for custom cutting and packaging of their meat. If the hunter prefers to use a different processor, we may be available to assist with transporting the carcass at an additional transportation fee of $2/mile.
Can I have the animal skinned, quartered, or caped?
- Field dressing is included with the price of the hunt. We may be able to assist hunters who would like to have with carcass skinned, quartered or caped, for an additional fee.
- We do not cape for a shoulder mount.
Where do the hunts take place?
- Most hunts take place at our ranch outside of Vaughn, MT
- We also work with a number of other buffalo ranches in Montana and schedule day hunts at these locations.
When is the best time to book a hunt?
- Although there is no specific hunting season, most hunts are scheduled from early November to early February. The nest hides are taken from November to late January when bison have the thickest winter hair. Bison gain a lot of weight during spring and early summer, if a winter hide is not important to you, this can be a very good time to harvest a bison with more fat than they will have in the winter.
What is the best gun to use?
- Owing to the incredible strength, size, and thickness of the hide, we do not allow handguns. We recommend using 30 caliber or larger with a minimum bullet weight of 150 grams. We do allow archery tackle with a rifle back up.
Do I need a hunting license?
- No Montana Hunting License or Hunter Education is required for these bison hunts. In Montana, buffalo that are privately owned and on private property are categorized as livestock.
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