Cougar and Mountain Lion Hunts
Holman, NM
1-2 Hunters • Lodge • Private • Guided
5 Days, Fully Guided & Outfitted
November 15 - February 28
We offer New Mexico Mountain Lion Hunts. Experience a New Mexico Mountain Lion / Cougar Hunt of a lifetime, when you go after the fourth largest cat in the world. Our hunting dogs chase these 100-240 lb. cats up a tree and provide a close and ethical shot. Depending on the weather conditions our means of transportation may be pickup trucks, ATVs, or Snowmobiles during the hunt. This hunt a best done following a fresh snow. If you book a mountain lion/cougar hunt in New Mexico with us, it is best to be flexible when planning your hunt. If you can plan your hunt around the weather, arriving a couple of days after a fresh snow will produce the best results. All hunts are done with hounds.
Hunting Mountain Lion in New Mexico
We offer Trophy Mountain Lion Hunts. Whether you would like to hunt rifle, handgun, or archery equipment. We have all kinds of packages for your hunting style. All hunts are fair chase here. We do mostly spot and stalk hunts for New Mexico Mountain Lion. We welcome all hunters; young, old, and the mobility challenged.
Mountain Lion Hunting Terrain
We offer mountain lion hunts in Northern New Mexico on both public and also private land. The hunts take place in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. The peak time to hunt New Mexico Cougar is in December through the end of February. We recommend booking early in the year for the following years hunt, as with our success rate on the Mountain Lion hunts has been outstanding!
-Arrive the day before the hunt begins in the afternoon ~ 3:00 PM
-Check in to your accommodations
-Go to the gun range with guides to check the sites of your weapon.
-Possible drive through by the hunt area if time permits
-Dinner the day prior to the hunt beginning / Continental Breakfast each morning
-Guides pick you up then it’s off to go hunting
-Lunch provided each day of the hunt
-Dinner following each day's hunt
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Your Outfitter

John O
John is a registered hunting guide and owner of his outfitting company in the State of New Mexico. He is a native hunter in the areas where he outfits in the State of New Mexico. He specializes in Prairie Dog, Merriam Turkey, Prong Horn Antelope, Black Bear, Cougar/Mountain Lion, Rocky Mountain Elk and Mule Deer. John also excels in Outfitting in New Mexico for most big game along with other small game populations.
Gear List
- Hunting License + Permit
- Transportation
- Lodging Accommodations Before/After Hunt
- Personal Gear / Medication / Amenities
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Rules & Guidelines
What is Not included:
-State Hunting License –Non-Resident $365
-The client is responsible for transportation to and from hunt location
-Motel accommodations following your hunt
-Personal gear /medication / amenities
-Camouflage, boots, weather appropriate attire (lighter clothing for archery)
-Binoculars, range finder
-Choice of Weapon
-Taxidermy Fees
Over-The-Counter Mountain Lion / Cougar Hunting License
An over-the-counter Cougar License with valid carcass tag may be purchased from license vendors, Department offices, online or by mail using Form 3. One carcass tag comes with each license (NOTE: Licenses and carcass tags purchased online will be mailed within two weeks of purchase). Hunters must purchase a Cougar License AT LEAST TWO DAYS BEFORE HUNTING.
Harvest Limits for All Zones
The state is divided into 19 Cougar Management Zones. This allows the Department to better manage cougar populations on a regional basis. All zones have two different harvest limits. The harvest limit for each Cougar Management Zone is listed in the chart on this page. The first number indicates the total number of cougars that may be harvested in each zone followed by the number of female cougars that may be harvested. All Cougar Management Zones will close when the harvest is within 10% of either the sustainable mortality limit or female sub-limit, whichever comes first. This measure is taken to avoid exceeding sustainable harvest of the resource.
Bag Limit
Bag limit is one cougar. No hunter may take any spotted kitten(s) or any female accompanied by a spotted kitten(s). State law does not require cougar meat to be taken from the field.
Tagging of Cougar Hides
Cougars must be tagged with both a carcass and a pelt tag. The carcass tag, which is received with the purchase of the license, must be attached immediately after the animal is taken by the hunter. The hunter then must present the license and hide for pelt tagging to any District Conservation Officer or any Department office within five days of taking the cougar or before taking the hide out of New Mexico, whichever comes first. The pelt tag must remain attached to the hide until the hide is processed. Improperly tagged hides may be seized by the Department. A hunter who takes a FEMALE cougar IS REQUIRED to present the unfrozen skull with the mouth fixed open, to any Department office for removal of a premolar tooth.
Please note, there is a 50% nonrefundable deposit included with your payment when booking.
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