John O Outfitter Profile

Hi, I'm John
I've been a member since June 2021
John is a registered hunting guide and owner of his outfitting company in the State of New Mexico. He is a native hunter in the areas where he outfits in the State of New Mexico. He specializes in Prairie Dog, Merriam Turkey, Prong Horn Antelope, Black Bear, Cougar/Mountain Lion, Rocky Mountain Elk and Mule Deer. John also excels in Outfitting in New Mexico for most big game along with other small game populations.
John has hunted elk and mule deer with both a bow and rifle for more than 30+ years and now hunts exclusively with a bow. He has spent many years observing and gathering information about the various species he chooses to take, and his knowledge of their habits and natural habitat is next to none. John holds an undergraduate degree in Biology and has received a Masters degree in Environmental Management and Life Sciences. His thesis was on the Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Mule Deer in northern New Mexico. His close association with federal and state agencies allows him access to crucial information pertaining to big game and their management schemes.
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