5-Day Guided Bull Elk Hunt in New Mexico

Holman, NM

1-4 Hunters • Lodge • Public/Private • Guided


Bull Elk Archery/Muzzle Loader/Rifle hunts with an esteemed New Mexico Big Game outfitter. Limited Guaranteed Tags Available

Hunt Includes:

  • (Currently Guaranteed Tags as of 7/3/24)
  • 5-Day Hunts
  • Lodging
  • Meals
  • Transportation to and from the hunting grounds
  • Caping, quartering, and pack-out

Hunts are available in Unit 13, 45, 49 or 52 in New Mexico with Guaranteed Tags available for Archery, Muzzle Loader or Rifle Hunts.

You have the option to pick your specific hunt days that are available on these guaranteed tags.

Archery Elk Hunts

Any five days from Sept 1-24

Rifle or Muzzle Loader Hunt Options;

Oct 5-9

Oct 12-16

Oct 19-23

Elk Hunt Info

First, I want to thank you for your interest in coming to hunt Rocky Mountain Elk with JACO Outfitters, LLC here in New Mexico.  I will attached a packet of information to an email that includes contracts, waiver, application form and reference list.  If you choose to book with us for your 2024/2025 hunt season you can fill out and return these documents for our records.  Upon reading this information, please give us a call, we will be glad to answer any additional questions you may have regarding our Elk hunts.   

I would like to go over some of the information concerning our Elk Hunts here in New Mexico:

This price ($10,500-$12,500+Tax per hunter) includes; 

·       2 hunters per 1 guide (2x1) (additional $2500 for a 1x1 guided hunt and $1500 for each non-hunter)

·       Lodging and Meals

·       Transportation to and from the hunting grounds

·       Guaranteed Elk Permits

·      NOT INCLUDED: New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (NMDGF) State Elk Hunt License  

In our Standard Unit, Bulls we harvest run 260”-330” Class.  We harvest Bulls in our Quality / High Demand Units in the 300”-380” class.  

A 50% deposit/hunter is required to secure a hunt for the 2024/2025 hunt season.  

Archery Elk Hunts begin the 1st of September and run through September 24th. These hunts are taken in 5-day increments. 

Muzzle Loader and Rifle Elk Hunts begin the 1st week of October in some units and every week thereafter throughout October.  Private Land Rifle Cow Elk Hunts run Dec 1-- Dec 31 and can be taken in any 5-consecutive day increments during this time.  

Look over my Website at jacooutfitters.com for other big game hunt dates and details.  

Good Day and Good Hunting!!

John Olivas 

JACO Outfitters, LLC

Additional Details

Elk hunting can be one of the toughest hunts a hunter will experience because of the terrain elk live in. It is one of the most physically demanding hunting sports most hunters will ever endure. Most Eastern deer hunters who head West to elk hunt practice bugling and mewing on a cow call but often forget about one of the most important aspects of getting ready for an elk hunt: GETTING IN SHAPE!!! A hunter planning to hunt out West for elk should purchase a quality backpack and start hiking with it on his back.

When preparing for an elk hunt, having at least 30 pounds in a pack is a good idea. Elk hunters should pack up the gear they plan to take into their elk hunting backpacks and hike with it on their backs a few times a week. This prepares their back muscles and leg muscles for the elk hunt.

When preparing physically, it is important to realize that elk live in the high country where the air is often thin. It can be very difficult to prepare Eastern lungs for Western air, but there are a few things elk hunters can do. When training, elk hunters need to breathe as much as possible from their noses and keep their mouths closed. This makes lungs work harder and helps prepare them for the hard breathing they will encounter out west. They can also run very fast upside hills for short distances or ride a bike uphill as fast as they can for short distances to strengthen their lungs. You would hate to get into a position where you need to get up a hill to take a shot at a once-in-a-lifetime Bull Elk, and you cannot do it when it counts.

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Your Outfitter

John's Trip

John O

John is a registered hunting guide and owner of his outfitting company in the State of New Mexico. He is a native hunter in the areas where he outfits in the State of New Mexico. He specializes in Prairie Dog, Merriam Turkey, Prong Horn Antelope, Black Bear, Cougar/Mountain Lion, Rocky Mountain Elk and Mule Deer. John also excels in Outfitting in New Mexico for most big game along with other small game populations.

from $0/Experience


  • Lodging & Accommodations
  • Transportation
  • Assistance with Caping, Quartering, & Packing Out
  • Two Meals / Day + Continental Breakfast


Gear List

  • Your Choice of Weapon
  • Camouflage Clothing
  • Camera
  • Personal Amenities

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Rules & Guidelines

New Mexico Hunting License - Elk

All hunters must possess a valid license, and permit if applicable, for the species and hunt type in which they will participate and must produce this upon request by a conservation officer. All big-game and turkey hunters must possess a Game-hunting License, tag(s) for each species hunted, and a Habitat Stamp.

Habitat Stamp: $10

Resident (+$7 application fee)

  • Standard: $90
  • Quality: $90
  • Junior/Senior: $58

Nonresident (+$13 application fee)

  • Standard: $548
  • Quality: $773

*Note: License fees may vary based on type of land (private/public), type of license, or changes to state legislation. The fees listed above are updated as of this listing’s publication. For the most accurate information, visit the New Mexico Game & Fish website.

What's NOT Included:

  • Airport Pickup/Return
  • State License Fees
  • Elk Landowner Tag
  • Meat Processing, & Taxidermy Fees
  • Room & Board Beyond Scheduled Stay

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