Andrew D Outfitter Profile

Andrew D Host

Hi, I'm Andrew

I've been a member since February 2021

Our biggest key to success is spotting, if you are new to hunting in Alberta you will soon learn how big of a territory we have to hunt in and realize how spotting and taking the time to line up fields accordingly plays such a big role. Our outfit puts spotting as one of our top priorities and in turn contributes to our great success. We have a lot of great relationships with local farmers and always have a few spotters on the road chasing down new birds and lining up new fields to shoot.

Andrew has been guiding waterfowl for 10 years. He has been the sole owner at AFF for 6 years. Hunted waterfowl all over North America. Eats sleeps lives waterfowl hunting. The last time a calling contest was held in Alberta he placed 2nd in Alberta for single man and 2 man goose. He also has worked in other aspects of the industry. Is involved with DU and Delta waterfowl locally. Well attending Sir Sanford Fleming getting his Diploma in Fish and Wildlife he spent 3 summers as a research technician for Delta assisting research students studying ducks. From the years of working so closely with waterfowl, banding, counts, predator related surveys his availability to Id waterfowl at a distance is hard to compare. He also well informed and up to date on anything new in regards to the industry and is on multiple waterfowl hunting related Pro Staffs.

Want to get in touch with Andrew?