Whitetail Deer Hunting in Kansas

Minneapolis, KS

1-4 Hunters • Lodge • Private • Guided


6-Day Kansas Muzzleloader Deer Hunting

Kansas really is the land of giants! We’re located in some of the best deer hunting in the country! North Central Kansas is well known for its ability to grow trophy whitetails and we have no shortage of them either! Our deer have food sources such as corn, milo, soybeans, wheat and alfalfa that help our bucks grow to be monsters. On top of that we run corn feeders all throughout the season. The genetics we have are outstanding and with our strict management we grow some huge bucks. We have a 140” minimum that comes with a $1000 fine for anything under that. This management policy will increase your opportunity at the high caliber 4 ½ to 5 ½ year old bucks that everyone is looking for.

We care about getting you an opportunity at a once in a lifetime Whitetail. Hunting the wind is very important out here. We will sit down with you every morning and evening to go over what you have been seeing and move you to a different stand or farm accordingly. We also like to stay in touch while you’re in the stand just in case the wind changes or you see a big one off in the distance and need to move in closer. After the shot we take care of everything from tracking to gutting the deer for you. We will go out and pick it up in the Polaris Ranger then take it back to the lodge to put it in the walk in cooler to be processed later on.

Kansas is a draw state so you will have to apply for tags in April. We will walk you through this process so your opportunity to draw is at its highest possibility. Be sure to contact us and get your hunt date locked in. Our hunts go fast!

Kansas Muzzleloader Hunting:

This is our earliest season starting at the end of September. It can be a very successful time of year. The deer are just coming out of velvet and are patternable. They usually don’t move a whole lot since the crops are not harvested yet. If you lay eyes on a big buck then usually we can get a plan and move in closer on him. There is no shortage of cover this time of the year, so we can hunt in chairs nearly anywhere to close the distance if needed. We have box blinds and tree stands to hunt out of also. The weather is typically warmer this time of the year which makes the best hunting at first light and last light. The most important tool this time of year is top of the line optics for low light situations.

Price is for 6-Day Muzzleloader hunt, lodging included (no meals).

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"Good people, good service, I can rate them top quality, treated like a king . Thank y’all. 16-hour round trip and all went home smiling.what a successful trip , memories forever. 5-star rating from me!!" - Mickey F.

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Your Outfitter

Stuart's Trip

Stuart G

North Central Kansas Outfitter providing quality Whitetail Deer, Turkey, and pheasant hunts! Hunting and Fishing have been my passion from day one. I grew up being in the outdoors every chance I had. Which was easy to do since my dad Todd owns and operates his own guide service. He has been in the hunting business for 20 years. So I’m far from new to the hunting business. I have been in the middle of the operation of his business since the start. Filling feeders, picking up and dropping off hunters, tracking deer, skinning deer, and a lot of late nights watching and listening to dad and the hunters strategize how to kill that giant Kansas Whitetail. We still work side by side nearly every day helping each other.

from $4950/Experience


  • Expert Local Guides
  • Heavily Scouted Hunting Locations
  • 5,000+ Acres
  • Opportunity for True Kansas Giants
  • Lodging Accommodations
  • Tree Stands, Box Blinds, and
  • Assistance with tag application
  • Tracking, Gutting, and Storage of Game After Kill


Gear List

  • Weather Appropriate Hunting Attire
  • Personal Hunting Gear
  • Valid Kansas Hunting License/Tag
  • Personal Items and Toiletries

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Rules & Guidelines

Hunting Trip Info

The closest decent sized city is Salina, KS which is about 30 miles away. If you're flying or driving either way we are pretty easy to get to considering we are only 30 miles from where the two major interstates cross. I 70 and I 35. If you are flying most guys fly into Wichita or Kansas City. Wichita is about an hour and a half away and K.C is roughly 3 hours away. Then you will need to rent a car preferably one with 4wd or all wheel drive since most of our roads are dirt or gravel.

Licensing Information:

Kansas is a draw state so if you want to hunt you will have to apply for a tag. There are no guarantees that you will draw a tag but we do everything possibly to help you increase your odds of drawing. The application must be completed by the last business day in April. The tag and hunting license are together this year for $554.53. If you do not draw a tag in the initial drawing there is a chance you can get a leftover tag in July. The chances are usually very slim to none on the leftovers.

Please note, there is a 50% nonrefundable deposit included with your payment when booking.

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