Week day Spring Turkey Hunting in New York
Elka Park, NY
1-2 Hunters
Weekday rate (single days)
Base Price is per person per day for 1x1 guiding. 2x1 Guiding available for an additional fee.
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2x1 Guiding
“First day, first light, first bird…Now I’m hooked.” - Karen
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Your Outfitter

Max S
Also offering guided hunting experiences in New York’s Catskill Mountain region. Turkey, deer, grouse, coyote and bear. Bows and firearms.
Gear List
- Weather Appropriate Hunting Attire
- Valid hunting License and Turkey Permit
- Personal Hunting Gear
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Rules & Guidelines
General Information
Report Your Harvest!
A turkey permit and a hunting license are required while hunting wild turkey.
- You may buy only one turkey permit per year.
- If you have filled your bag limit, you may call turkeys for another hunter, but you may not carry a bow or firearm.
- If you have taken a turkey which is unfit for consumption, authorized DEC staff may issue a special permit to take another. You will have to surrender the carcass. Call your local wildlife or law enforcement office.
Please note, there is a 50% nonrefundable deposit included with your payment when booking.
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