Spring 4-Day Waterfowl Hunt Package
West Fargo, ND
1-12 Hunters
Year after year Saskatchewan lives up to its famed nick-name “The Land of the Living Skies.” Saskatchewan whose name is derived from the Saskatchewan River meaning “swift flowing river” consist of vast acres of rolling grain fields and potholes in the South to dense desolate bush country in the North! Where these vast rolling grain field and desolate bush country meet is where we call home. The area that we hunt is home to some of the first grain fields that millions of Ducks, Canada Geese, White-Fronted Geese, Snow Geese and Sandhill Crane stage at as they make their yearly migration south. With access to a vast area and very liberal limits hunters have the opportunity to endure what we believe to be the best waterfowl hunting in North America.
Being situated at the very northern edge where the prairie ends and bush begins our hunters get one last opportunity for a hunt of a life time before the birds migrate north one last time to their breeding grounds for the summer. This is a very critical time for the snow geese as they need to feed harder and longer than any other time throughout the year. They need to have adequate energy to sustain the last leg of their migration as they head to their breeding grounds where they will have nothing but small amounts of grass and bugs to keep them alive until they reach the golden wheat fields of Saskatchewan the following fall!
A typical hunt in the spring takes place in a freshly scouted field that birds are comfortable and have been patterning to making for great results day in and day out. Being there is a limit in Saskatchewan during the spring season we typically only hunt mornings unless the birds do not cooperate and we have an unsuccessful morning hunt. It is more important for us to take the rest of the day to scout and secure the next day’s hunting location to ensure we can provide the quality of hunting that our clinets have come to expect!
Spring Limit
- 20 snows geese
Nestled in a quiet rural setting our lodge provides all of the amenities of home and then some. Along with our amazing cooks and house cleaners you are sure to feel right at home. At the end of the day you can sit around the fire and relax and reminisce about the hunt!
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Your Outfitter

Shane E
We offer world class hunting for Snow Geese, Dark Geese and Ducks in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada. We help take the guessing out of what, where and when to get the best hunting. We offer fun, experienced guides for you and your hunting party. With 8 full-time hunting guides on staff, we ensure everything in our power will be done to help you have a trip of a lifetime! We also own and operate 3 other hunting locations in the US. All of us owners and our employees are far from the fly by night guides that many fear. When booking a hunt with us you are simply BOOKING WITH THE BEST!!
Gear List
- Passport
- Hunting License
- Shotgun
- Personal Items
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Rules & Guidelines
- Traveling by vehicle we are located in the north central part of Saskatchewan
- Traveling Air you could fly into either Saskatoon John G. Diefenbaker International Airport or Regina International Airport. Upon arrival you will rent a vehicle and join us at our hunting location.
- We are rougly equal distane from Saskatoon or Regina so which every flight is more economical for you is what I would go with.
You will need a passport to get into Canada! Visit your local post office to apply today if you do not have one. (Process typically takes 4-6 weeks)
If you have a passport card that will only work if you are driving to Canada if you plan to fly you will need the passport booklet!
Also be sure to check your pass port well in advance to be sure it has not expired.
Bringing your Gun to Canada:
Bringing your gun to Canada is very easy and for the most part hassle free as long as you are organized. You will need to fill out a Non-Resident Firearm Declaration form found in the link below. If you fill the form out completely other than signing it which has to be done in front of the customs officer this is a simple and pain free process. There is a $25 dollar charge to bring your gun across!
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