Oklahoma Sandhill Crane Hunt

Wakita, OK

1-18 Hunters • No Lodging • Private • Guided


About Sandhill Cranes

The Sandhill Crane has a gray body, with crimson on top of its head. Most live in freshwater wetlands in various flyways. They feed on plants, grains, insects and worms. They are known to dig in the soil; which can cause farmers to have significant crop damage. The life span of the Sandhill Crane is around 20 years; they weigh 6-14 pounds and have a wing span of 5-6 feet. The Sandhill Crane has keen eyesight with the ability to see four colors. They can distinguish between male and female feathers. That is why our taxidermy decoys are so effective and second to none in the hunting fields.

The Sandhill Crane is regarded to be the best eating of all migratory birds; that is why they are referred to as “The Ribeye of the Sky".

Where we Hunt

Western Oklahoma is a prime hunting area for migrating Sandhill Cranes. The Central Flyway is the migration path of the Mid-Continent Sandhill Crane, with populations over 900,000 birds. The total US Sandhill Crane harvest was over 30,000 as of 2018 studies. Western Oklahoma is virtually an untapped gold mine for hunting Sandhill Crane. The Oklahoma Crane numbers are massive, in 2011 there were only 418 estimated active crane hunters in the state. According to 2018 numbers, there are over 12,000 active crane hunters in the Central FlyWay States.

The Sandhill Crane is an extremely attentive and observant bird and hard to hunt and kill, for most. We've been pursuing these great birds for over eight years now. We have harvested over 6,000 birds during these years. Decoying sandhill cranes is an exciting sport and there is no wonder more are actively hunting them. We have made it our goal to study, understand and successfully put our clients on these elusive birds.

Our guides work tirelessly on securing the best hunting grounds for the reserved hunts. We have established great working relationships with area landowners and pay them out of our rates. We take pride in caring for their land and know that we'll be invited back to use their farmland for future hunts.

Our Decoys

We use taxidermy crane decoys because our customers are worth it.

We know, as hunters to be successful, we must learn and study our prey, prepare, adapt, and be persistent. This couldn’t be truer in the case of hunting Sandhill Crane. The Crane is a very wary bird. We decoy them using our taxidermy stuffed/mounts, and these birds will not be fooled with a traditional plastic decoy spread. We also use u-v blocker on all of our equipment. It is vital to stay 100% concealed when hunting these elusive birds. We are able to do so we so from our custom built, large hay bale blinds. Each blind can accommodate up to 18 hunters.

We have been very successful, having many sandhill cranes land within our spread and just a few feet from our custom blind. We put a lot of thought and preparation into each and every hunt. Our mission is to offer the very best “in your face” crane hunt to all of our clients. Hunting Sandhill Crane is a thrill, one you will not soon forget. Every bird hunter should have it on his or her bucket list.

Your Hunt

1, 2, or 3-Day Hunt

Base price is per gun for morning crane hunt only.

Fully Guided Hunt

Taxidermied Decoy Spread

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Your Outfitter

Bryan Lee's Trip

Bryan Lee B

We are a father & son business and we both work tirelessly to provide you with a successful hunt.

from $605/Day


  • Exclusive Access to Private Hunting Grounds
  • Expert Guide
  • Taxidermy Crane Decoys


Gear List

  • Hunting License & Permits
  • Shotgun & Ammo
  • Blind Bag
  • Cooler for Harvest

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Rules & Guidelines

Bag Limits

  • Daily Limit - 3
  • Possession Limit - 9

Release Forms

  • Release Forms must be filled out prior to hunt.


  • Please note, there's a 50% nonrefundable deposit included with your payment when booking.

Oklahoma License Fees

  • Oklahoma 5-Day (Non-Resident) - $75.00
  • Crane Permit - $3.00
  • OK & KS HIP Permit - Free

Crane Hunting Must Haves

  • Oklahoma or Kansas Hunting License - depends on where the birds are
  • Oklahoma or Kansas Hip Permit
  • Oklahoma or Kansas Crane Permit
  • 12 gauge shotgun capable of shooting 3" ammo, steel shot, recommended BB's or #2 shot!
  • Waders are NOT needed
  • Blind Bag - suggested to have ammo, snacks, drink, gloves, hand warmers, flashlight and camera
  • Cooler for your birds - We do not clean birds and if you choose to clean them before transporting, they must have a wing intact.

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