Montana Pronghorn Antelope Hunt
Miles City, MT
1-4 Hunters • No Lodging • Private • Guided
Montana Antelope Hunts
Montana offers some great pronghorn antelope hunting opportunities for rifle or archery antelope hunters. Antelope hunts can also be combined with a mule deer or whitetail hunt.
Hunt Areas & Trophy Quality
We operate on private ranch leases near Miles City in eastern Montana, these properties offer quality antelope hunting opportunities. Most hunters have taken pronghorns ranging from 12 to 16 inches, including several record-class bucks.
Shot Opportunity
Shot opportunity has been 100% nearly every year. Rifle shots often range from 100 to 300 yards so sight rifles dead on at 200 yards. Bow hunters should practice from 20 to 60 yards.
Hunting Methods
The best rifle hunting method involves glassing herds of antelope until the right buck is spotted, then a stalk is planned to get within range for the shot. Archery hunting is mostly done at waterholes and feeding areas in blinds placed at prime locations
Antelope Seasons
Archery antelope hunting starts August 15 and runs into November 8. Rifle season opens in early October and runs to November 8. Rifle antelope and deer combo hunts are available in late October and early November.
Best Time
Archery Antelope hunting is best early in the season from August 15 to mid September while the weather is hot and bucks are visiting waterholes or when the bucks are rutting in September. Rifle hunting is good anytime during the season. Many years we have taken the largest bucks of the season in the first week of November.
Motel (Town Hunts): Stay in town near restaurants and shopping. Hunters pay for their choice of rooms and meals. Guides will pick up and return hunters to their room each day. Remember to budget $80-$150 per day for your room and meals.
What's Not Included
Meat Processing
Motel Room
Restaurant Meals
Any other items not listed as being included.
Base Price is a 3x1 Guided Hunt
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2x1 Guided Hunt
1x1 Guided Hunt
Your Outfitter

Dale D
Dale, Tara, and the team enjoy swapping stories and getting to know each hunter. Regardless of your physical ability or prior experience, they can provide the right hunt and accommodations for your needs and will work hard to provide the best experience possible.
Gear List
- Weather Appropriate Hunting Attire
- Personal Hunting Gear
- Hotel Arrangments
- Valid Hunting License and Tag
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Rules & Guidelines
Temperature and Weather
August is quite warm with daytime temps often between 70 to 95 degrees. September and October may frost at night, but days often warm up to 40 to 75 degrees. Late October and November temps often range anywhere from 0 to 60 degrees and snow is possible. Check the 10-Day Weather Forecast before leaving for your hunt.
Licenses and Hunter Ed
Montana Either-Sex Antelope tags are awarded by drawing with a June 1 application deadline to apply. For Archery Antelope we've had 100% draw, last year rifle hunters had 76% draw success in this area. Antlerless Antelope Tags are available over the counter beginning August 10, until sold out. Hunter Education is required if you were born after Jan 1, 1985. Bow hunters also need proof of bow hunter education or a previous archery license to get a Montana archery permit.
Taxidermy and Meat Processing
Both services are available locally for a fee or you can transport your animal home. Local meat processing is usually done in 1 or 2 days.
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