Montana Trophy Archery Elk Hunt

Billings, MT

1-4 Hunters • Cabin • Private • Guided


Montana has a high elk population with a lot of big bulls. We offer guided private ranch archery bull elk hunts in southeast Montana. Guide will pick you up and drop you off at a local motel.

Hunt Area

The primary elk ranch, one of our best trophy elk hunts, is in hunt area #799-21 in southeast Montana. The area consistently produces record class bulls, we target bulls in the 300" to 380" size range. Combination hunts can be arranged to include mule deer, antelope, and whitetail.


We hunt for mature bulls only on this ranch, nearby agricultural fields attract a lot of elk, by using known game movement patterns to our advantage we expect 80-100% shot opportunity at bulls and 80% to 100% shot opportunity at deer and antelope.


Hunts are typically guided 1 hunter per guide, but 2x1 hunts can also be arranged, hunts are 5 days. Guide(s) will field dress, skin and pack out your game.


Hunters will stay at a motel in town (at their expense) and the guide will pick you up each morning and return you in the evening.


Your guide will pick you up well before daylight and you will return in the evening. If desired you can get a nap mid-day when hunting is slow anyway.


We prefer to call elk when they are ruttingand may spot and stalk at certain times or hunt in blinds along game trails or at water holes. We take advantage of the natural routine of the elk coming to feeding areas and water.


Archers should practice shooting from standing and sitting positions at 10 to 70 yards.

Game Care

Your guide will field dress, skin, quarter, and pack out your game. You can debone your meat or pack quarters in coolers to take home. Taxidermy and butchering are available locally at reasonable rates if desired.


Hunt elk only or plan a combo hunt for elk, deer, antelope, bear, or buffalo. Sometimes hunters fill out early, you can go home or go sightseeing, or if there is enough time a prairie dog hunt might be possible.

Base Price is per person for 5 day bull hunt. Add additional game for additional fee.

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Add Antelope


Add MD Buck


Your Outfitter

Dale's Trip

Dale D

Dale, Tara, and the team enjoy swapping stories and getting to know each hunter. Regardless of your physical ability or prior experience, they can provide the right hunt and accommodations for your needs and will work hard to provide the best experience possible.

from $11990/Experience


  • 40+ Years Experience
  • 90-100% Shot Opportunity
  • Guide will Field Dress, Skin, Quarter, & Pack out
  • Taxidermy and Buthering Available Locally
  • Hunt #799-21 in SE Montana
  • Hunt for Bulls Scoring 300"+
  • Experienced Local Guide


Gear List

  • Weather Appropriate Hunting Attire
  • Personal Hunting Gear
  • License Fees
  • Gratuities

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Rules & Guidelines


To hunt bull elk apply for the 799-21 archery elk permit. If you don't draw that permit you have the option of hunting our Idaho area at a lesser fee where we have outfitter allocated tags available. Hunter Ed is required in Montana if born after Jan 1, 1985.

Elk Licenses

Apply Online

Apply By Mar 15

Elk Combo....$885.00

799-21...Archery Bull


Bows must be 28" or longer with no more than 80% letoff, arrows must be at least 20 inches long and weigh at least 300 grains including at least 75 grain broad heads which are 7/8" or wider. Expandable broadheads and lighted nocks are legal to use. Lighted sights or crossbows are not allowed.


Archery elk season varies a little each year but is roughly early Sept to early Oct, We encourage you to apply for this archery hunt in Montana and if you don't draw but still want to hunt we can still get you on an elk hunt in our Idaho hunt area.


Sept and Oct can be cool with frosty nights possible, bring warm boots, gloves, and clothing. Sept can also be hot so lightweight clothing may be needed. Check the Weather forecast before leaving for your hunt.


Most any hunter can be successful on these elk hunts, it is not nearly as rough of country as most mountain areas in the west. Your guide will modify the hunt as needed to suit your needs.


Items Not Included: Hunters must provide their own lodging and meals, personal gear, sleeping bag, license fees, gratuities, travel and costs before and after the hunt, meat processing, taxidermy, shipping fees, and any items not listed as being included in your hunt.

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