Honeybee Farm & Tour

Timber, MO

2-30 Guests • No Lodging • Private • Guided


Visit our small backyard beekeeping operation and learn about the wonders of honey bees and their crucial place in our world and food supply. Did you know that at least 1/3 of our food supply requires pollination by honey bees? Perhaps as important, honey bees make wild plants more productive and nutritious for the wild things that rely on them for sustenance.

Many birds, rodents, insects, and other animals would be foodless without those crazy weeds and wildflowers that grow wherever we let them.

Honey bees have received a startling amount of attention recently due to two facts:

  1. The dramatic decline of the honey bee population, and thus the threat of losing their bounty and benefits; and
  2. The sudden awareness of the loss and what could be done to reduce its impact and even enhance the quality of life of the honey bee population.


In your 90-minute tour, we will visit our bee yard and explain how and when honey bees gather nectar, pollen and propolis from flowers and trees. You will learn about:

  • The one and only Queen of the honey bee colony, and her primary importance within the hive
  • The busy worker bees and all the different "jobs" they perform during their lives
  • The Drones (male bees) and their life span, including what happens to them in the Fall...
  • The Waggle Dance (honey bees do dance...)
  • Swarms of honey bees up in the air and why they occur
  • How honey bees make honey
  • Harvesting our award-winning honey (the best day of the year for a beekeeper...)
  • Making Mead (honey wine) and natural products with bees' wax
  • Cooking up great dishes with honey!
  • You will view an Observation Hive (portions of a hive behind a glass window)...view honey bees in action performing all of their work - a mesmerizing and unforgettable experience!
  • Sample our award-winning sweet honey, harvested here in the Ozark Mountains of Shannon County
  • Sample Mead (have you ever tasted wine made from honey?) It's delicious -- tastes just like wine!


Priced Per Person

Children's tickets are a lesser rate, please select the number when booking.

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Your Host

Jackie's Trip

Jackie M

We began our beekeeping adventure 11 years ago. Jackie (our beekeeper) always loved wildflowers and would tread through the valleys and peaks of the Ozark Mountains to find every native wildflower in order to photograph it. In the late 1990s, we acquired our land to be close to nature. Since Jackie's husband loved every kind of honey, we soon acquired honey bees and began enjoying our very own award-winning honey from the Ozark Mountains.

from $22/Experience


  • Award-Winning Honey Samples
  • Mead Samples
  • Tour Guide
  • Scenic Photography Opportunities



Gear List

  • Sun Protection
  • Snacks & Drinks
  • Insect Repellent
  • Sturdy shoes (or boots)

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Rules & Guidelines


I understand that there are certain risks involved in being in the general proximity of honey bees and other insects, as well as walking in forested areas. I understand that I am advised to consult with a health care provider of my own choosing (and cost) before participating in any beekeeping activity, including touring a beekeeping farm or operation.


I understand that walking and participating in activities in or around a beekeeping operation and forested areas involve risks. These risks may include being stung by a honey bee, wasp, mosquito, or any other insect, or bitten by any insect, including ticks, mammal, or reptile. I understand that I should wear sturdy shoes (or boots) and use insect repellent to deter some of these risks. I assume all risks and responsibilities for my own health and safety, whether or not stated in this Liability Release, Indemnity and Waiver Agreement ("Agreement"), as well as the health and safety of any child or disabled person (referred to herein as my "dependents"), who may be under my supervision while participating in such activities. To the best of my information, neither I nor any of my dependents are allergic to stings or bites from any sort of insects. I understand that if I or my dependents are allergic to stings or bites from any insects, I and my dependents agree not to participate in this tour and related activities.

Neither I nor my dependents have any known or suspected medical issues, risks or problems that preclude or restrict to any extent our respective participation in these activities, or make our respective participation in the Beekeeping tour ill-advised from the standpoint of our respective personal health and safety given the risks involved.

In voluntary consideration for being permitted to participate in the Beekeeping tour and related activities:

• I hereby waive, release and hold harmless and agree to indemnify JAH Acres Bee Farm and its owners (Jacynthe Marcoux and Luke Kaiser), and employees ("released parties") from and against any and all losses, liability, actions, causes of action, judgments, costs, interest, claims or demands of any kind and nature whatsoever, arising directly or indirectly from participating in the Beekeeping tour and related activities including, but not limited to, claims for negligence, intentional disregard, recklessness, bodily injury or death, property damage or any form of action (including attorneys' fees, and expert and court costs) that I and/or any of my dependents may sustain as a result of my or their participation in the Beekeeping tour and related activities including, but not limited to, any stings, bites, rashes, allergic reactions, trips, falls, any all other medical conditions and medical care I and/or my dependents may sustain, or require or receive, as the case may be, and the cost thereof.

• I hereby waive, release and hold harmless and agree to indemnify and defend each of the released parties from, and I agree to pay, all expenses relating to any medical care and treatment I and/or my dependents may receive resulting from my or their participation in the Beekeeping tour and related activities.

• I hereby waive, release, hold harmless and agree to indemnify and defend each of the released parties from and against any and all claims that any other person may have and assert against any of the released parties for any losses, damages or injuries arising out of, or in any manner related to, my or my dependents' participation in the Beekeeping tour and related activities. This Agreement will inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, all each of the released parties and the those agreeing thereto, and their respective successors and assigned thereof. All parties agree that venue for all purposes hereunder will be in the City of St. Louis, Missouri, and that Missouri laws will govern any dispute.

All parties hereby voluntarily waive their right to a trial by jury and agree to arbitrate any claim or issue that might arise as a result of partaking in the tour.

This agreement is subject to a binding arbitration clause which may be enforced against the parties.

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