Guided Quail and Pheasant Hunt

Lubbock, TX

4-15 Hunters • No Lodging • Private • Guided


Quail Hunting

We will start our Quail hunts on our CRP land in October and they will run till the end of February. These are wild birds, we will use dogs. Our quail properties are spread out among many different counties in Texas to ensure that we will find the birds for a successful hunt.

Pheasant Hunting

These are wild and pen birds depending on how good of a spring hatch we have. We will plant the birds in a CRP patch or waste grain field 30 minutes before the clients arrive at the field. We have Wire-Haired Pointers to ensure that we are always on the birds and Labrador retrievers to help retrieve the birds.

Price is per gun per day.

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Your Outfitter

Austin & Hunter's Trip

Austin & Hunter D

A True West Texas Wingshooting Experience

from $385/Experience


  • Experienced Guide
  • Trained Retriever Dog


Gear List

  • Weather Appropriate Hunting Attire
  • Required Texas Hunting License / Endorsement
  • Personal Hunting Gear
  • Snacks and Drinks

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Rules & Guidelines

Grouping Minimums:

Private: Weekdays we take a minimum of 6 clients

Private: Weekends we take a minimum of 10 clients

Mixed groups have a minimum of 4 at all times.

Hunting Licenses

All hunting licenses are valid from date of purchase until August 31 unless otherwise noted.

Requirements and Exceptions

In addition to a hunting license, additional endorsements may be required.

For specific information on Lifetime, Disabled Veteran, Texas resident active duty military, and Combination licenses,  view combination hunting and fishing licenses packages.

Information about public hunting opportunities is available, including an interactive map of over 1 million acres of accessible lands.

All laws and regulations governing hunter education requirements still apply.

A hunting license is required of any person (resident or nonresident), of any age, to hunt any animal, bird, frog or turtle in this state, except the following:

  • coyotes, if the coyotes are attacking, about to attack, or have recently attacked livestock, domestic animals, or fowl.

  • feral hogs on private property with landowner authorization.

  • fur-bearing animals, if the hunter possesses a commercial trapper’s license.

  • depredating fur-bearing animals, if a landowner (resident or non-resident) or landowner’s agent is taking fur-bearing animals causing depredation on the landowner’s land. No portion of the nuisance fur-bearer may be possessed, sold or retained for any purpose.

Upland Game Bird Endorsement

Required to hunt turkey, pheasant, quail, or chachalaca.

Non-residents who purchase the Non-resident Spring Turkey License are exempt.

May not be used to hunt turkey with a Non-resident Special Hunting License (Item 107) or a Non-resident 5-Day Special Hunting License (Item 157).

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