Guided Duck Hunt in the Texas Panhandle

Lubbock, TX

4-15 Hunters • No Lodging • Private • Guided


Got Ducks?… We Do

Professionally guided Texas Panhandle hunts. These are some of our favorite hunts to put on. Book a hunt to have some in-your-face action.

Species We Hunt Include:

  • Mallards - We have a plethora of mallard ducks in West Texas. The Best time to shoot a good mess of them is late November-Late January. Most of our birds are killed coming to rest on ponds after P.M. feeding in grain fields.

  • Pintails. 60% of the ducks we hold all season are pintails. The best times to shoot them are opening weekend to close, with the best sprigs taken in January.

  • Wigeon - Our Wigeon comes in late November just like the mallards. They will feed in wheat fields with geese all season long. We will shoot them in fields and ponds, coming back at first light to rest.

Base Price is Gun/Day - Full Weekend Rate Available.

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Weekend Hunt


Your Outfitter

Austin & Hunter's Trip

Austin & Hunter D

A True West Texas Wingshooting Experience

from $330/Experience


  • Experienced Guide
  • Decoys
  • Calling
  • Retriever Dogs


Gear List

  • Weather Appropriate Hunting Attire
  • Personal Hunting Gear
  • Required Texas Hunting License / Endorsements
  • Snacks and Drinks

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Rules & Guidelines

Grouping Minimums:

Private: Weekdays we take a minimum of 6 clients

Private: Weekends we take a minimum of 10 clients

Mixed groups have a minimum of 4 at all times.

Duck Hunting Regulations

Legal Shooting Hours

From one-half hour before sunrise to sunset.

Dusky (Mottled) Duck Harvest Off-limits First Five Days

Duck hunters in Texas will have to keep an eye peeled for dusky ducks and fingers off the trigger during the first five days of the season again this year, as concern about the mottled duck populations have forced a delay in harvest. A dusky duck is defined as a mottled duck, Mexican-like duck, black duck and their hybrids.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is holding Texas and Louisiana to a harvest reduction of West Gulf Coast Population of mottled ducks, citing a need for additional conservation based on estimated population declines resulting from major storms in recent years and continued habitat loss.

Due to similarities in appearance, all dusky ducks will be off limits during the first five days of the Regular Season. Dusky ducks can be hunted beginning five days after the start of the Regular Season for the North Zone, South Zone and the High Plains Mallard Management Unit. See table above for legal dusky duck hunting dates.

Youth Only Season

16 years of age or younger. Regular season bag limits apply for all legal species of geese, ducks, mergansers and coots. Dusky ducks are legal during the youth only season. Youth hunters must be accompanied by an adult at least 18 years of age. A Federal Ducks Stamp is required for all persons 16 years of age or older.

Falconry Season

A person holding a valid Texas falconry permit may take migratory game birds by means of falconry from one-half hour before sunrise to sunset during open seasons listed herein and during the falconry seasons.

License Requirements

Hunting License

All migratory game bird hunters must have a valid hunting license.

Texas Migratory Game Bird Stamp Endorsement

Required to hunt any migratory game bird (waterfowl, coot, rail, gallinule, snipe, dove, sandhill crane, and woodcock). A valid Federal Duck Stamp and HIP Certification are also required of waterfowl hunters 16 years of age or older.

Harvest Information Program

When you purchase a hunting license, indicate to the license clerk that you intend to hunt migratory game birds and need to be HIP certified by answering a few simple questions.

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