Guided Dove Hunt in Lubbock, Texas
Lubbock, TX
1-30 Hunters • No Lodging • Private • Guided
Get with us to book a fall dove hunt!
We love our dove hunting, we love the big piles more. The Eurasian Collard Dove is our favorite to chase. There is no bag limit on these birds because they are an invasive species. Adding these birds to your bags is like throwing in 'bonus' birds. While your limit for the normal game dove (Mourning Dove, White Winged dove) will always be monitored, the collared dove do not count towards the daily limit!
Children and Veteran rates available.
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Your Outfitter

Colton C
Guides crane and duck hunts in West Texas. Specializes in corporate hunts. Message us to get more information.
Gear List
- Weather Appropriate Hunting Attire
- Required Texas Hunting License / Permit
- Personal Hunting Gear
- Snacks and Drinks
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Rules & Guidelines
Legal Shooting Hours
From one-half hour before sunrise to sunset.
During the Special White-winged Dove Days: noon to sunset.
See sunrise and sunset computations.
License Requirements
Hunting License
All migratory game bird hunters must have a valid hunting license.
Texas Migratory Game Bird Stamp Endorsement
Required to hunt any migratory game bird (waterfowl, coot, rail, gallinule, snipe, dove, sandhill crane, and woodcock). A valid Federal Duck Stamp and HIP Certification are also required of waterfowl hunters 16 years of age or older.
Harvest Information Program
When you purchase a hunting license, indicate to the license clerk that you intend to hunt migratory game birds and need to be HIP certified by answering a few simple questions.
Purchase a hunting license.
Report Leg Bands
Please report leg bands to
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