Missouri Spring Snow Goose Hunts

Carrollton, MO

1-8 Guests • No Lodging • Private • Guided



We have been guiding and hunting spring snow goose hunts in Missouri since 1999 when the spring conservation order was established to combat the ever-growing population of mid-continental snow geese. Since that time we have traveled and hunted snow geese in the majority of the Central and Mississippi Flyways including Missouri, South Dakota, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, and Arkansas. The majority of our hunts take place in Northwest Missouri & Arkansas utilizing other states like Kansas, Nebraska, and Iowa if needed but, we do not have any dedicated hunts setup in those locations as of yet. We love to chase the spring snow goose migration and get under the big swarms of migrating snow geese and we do our best to keep our nose to the ground and focus on giving our hunters the best spring snow goose hunting opportunity we can.

Spring Snow Goose Hunts In Missouri

Missouri spring snow goose hunts are our bread-and-butter hunting option. We offer a variety of snow goose hunting opportunities in Missouri. Including spring snow goose hunts in Northwest Missouri and Western Missouri. Our Missouri spring snow goose hunts feature Airbnb Locations and local hotels and motels in the area. As stated before Missouri spring snow goose hunts are our bread and butter hunting packages and we spend the most time here focusing on our favorite hunting areas. We aim to do our best to give you a snow goose hunting trip worth remembering. The memories are in the adventures, not the outcomes. Also offering to start 2024 Enclosed Blind Hunts for Missouri Spring Snow Goose Hunting featuring hunts from our newly built blind on the edge of a water source. Not only do we offer those great services but we also offer daily hunting rates as well if needed. We try our best to include everyone and try to make it easy to set up a spring snow goose hunting adventure with us that is both affordable and fun.

When and Where Do We Hunt Snow Geese In Missouri?

Our Missouri Spring Snow Goose Hunts in Northwest Missouri and Central Missouri start in Mid to Early February and run through the first part of March we have found this is the best time to effectively target snow geese in these areas with ample time and space to chase them and get into some good spring snow goose hunting action.

Our Missouri Spring Snow Goose Hunts in Northwest Missouri take place north of the Famed Loess Bluffs NWR aka: Squaw Creek NWR at one time known as the snow goose hunting capital of the world. Over the years of hunting Northwest Missouri, we have found this to be the best time in this area to target the mass snow goose migration as it pushes further north and into the central part of the US.

Why Do We Hunt Snow Geese In Missouri?

We offer Missouri Spring Snow Goose Hunts in Missouri because we feel this is the best place outside of South Dakota to really hunt migrating snow geese during the spring conservation order season. When they leave Arkansas and Louisiana and get away from the hordes of other snow goose hunting outfitters then they tend to get a little more relaxed and we can move around a lot more and really give our hunters the best opportunities for seeing a true migrator snow goose hunt up close and personal.

How Our Missouri Spring Snow Goose Hunts Operate

Our Missouri spring snow goose hunts are all run out of large snow goose sock decoy sets of anywhere from 1200-3000 decoys, using a blend of Tanglefree Snow Goose Slammer Socks, Skyfly Snow Goose Decoys, & Sillosocks Snow Goose Decoys with either layout blinds like the Tanglefree Ground Ghost Blinds, Hardcore Run N Gunner Layout Blinds, and or Rogers Goose Buster Frame Blinds. Our Northwest Missouri hunts take place on one of the best farms for hunting snow geese in the outfitter gauntlet north of Mound City Missouri. This farm has always been the most consistent farm we have had for harvesting good numbers of snow geese during our many years of hunting in Northwest Missouri.

Missouri and History Of Spring Snow Goose Hunting

With Missouri being such a great welcoming mat for the massive wads of snow geese it also makes for a great place to come and hunt the snow geese in the spring. When people think of spring snow goose hunts or spring snow goose hunting in general the state of Missouri has to be the most sought-after area for waterfowl hunters to gravitate to and rightly so. When the conservation order season was first established there was a big push to hunt South Western Iowa and North Western Missouri since the inception of the spring snow goose season North West Missouri has established itself as the meca and snow goose hunting capital of the world. But, with more snow geese and more area to hunt, more outfitters and more freelancers also come. North West Missouri is also becoming the hardest place to hunt snow geese in the spring. With more and more outfitters popping up every year there is fierce competition for hunting grounds and pressure around the Squaw Creek NWR people are starting to separate themselves from the mecca that is Mound City. But, for those who have been around for some time know that there are plenty of places still in Missouri that are phenomenal collection points as well as hunting locations. With a lot less pressure and friendlier land owners, we can still hunt the state of Missouri and not have to deal with the crowds that flock to Mound City. There are a lot of locations left in the state that are off the beaten path where the spring snow goose hunting is very productive and the locals welcome you with open arms.

Missouri and Loess Bluffs NWR AKA: Squaw Creek NWR

Northwest Missouri around the world-famous Mound City Missouri area and set up some of our favorite fields in our longest-running hunting areas.

Missouri is the host to the spring snow goose capital of the world, Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge AKA: Squaw Creek. When the snow geese start to make their spring run north to their breeding grounds it is a sight to behold. Massive clouds of snow geese can be seen from Louisiana to North Dakota and what is right in the middle of this trek. Northwest Missouri and Loess Bluffs NWR AKA: Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge.

Boasting 3,400 acres of wetlands for the snow geese to stage on it is a collection point for the largest population of snow geese that migrate through the central United States and the Mississippi Flyway. At times in the peak of the migration, you can find anywhere between 500,000 snow geese to upwards of 2 million and that's just in the squaw creek immediate area. That being said the entire state is a mecca for the snow geese as they make their way through the US to the great white north. It serves as the middle ground or halfway point to the tundra. With vast expanses of croplands and hilltops throughout the central and western parts of Missouri with several areas of roosting waterways for the snow geese to rest in, the state of Missouri has the perfect mix of food and resting for the snow geese on the reverse migration.

Base price is per person for a single-day hunt. Make it a 3-day hunt for an additional fee per day.

Exclusive field reservations for single-day or 3-day hunts are available.

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3-Day Hunt


Exclusive Field Single-Day Rate


Your Host

Clayton's Trip

Clayton O

Our Guided Duck Hunts, Goose Hunts, & Spring Snow Goose Hunts take place in Central Missouri where there is high traffic during the heart of spring snow goose migration and the fall and winter regular season migration. We try to stay on the birds and move around our area if needed to areas that are concentrated with larger numbers of snow geese in the spring as well as offering semi-permanent duck and goose hunting fields, pit blind fields with flooded crops, and feed field decoy sets for all of our waterfowl hunting options. We like to hunt migration corridors and proven migration routes in the spring, fall, and winter migration seasons.

from $275/Day


  • Experienced Local Guide
  • Largest Stopover in the Mississippi Flyway
  • Large Sock Decoy Sets
  • Layout Blinds
  • Frame Blinds
  • 3,400 Acres of Wetlands



Gear List

  • White suit, White Coat, White Pants, White Hats
  • Shotgun 12 Gauge or Larger
  • Spring Conservation Order Hunting Permit
  • All Weather Gear and Clothing

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Rules & Guidelines

Missouri Online State Hunting Resources

Missouri Spring Snow Goose Hunts License Information

  • Licensing prices are not 100% accurate please contact the state licensing departments for accurate pricing and the exact requirements for your hunting needs.
  • Resident License $5.00
  • Non-Resident License $47.00
  • Resident Apprentice $10.00
  • Non-Resident Apprentice $10.00
  • Resident Youth Under 16 Free
  • Non-Resident Youth Under 16 Free

Missouri Spring Snow Goose Season Dates and Regulations

  • First Weekend in February to the End of April
  • Unplugged Shotguns with Magazine Extensions
  • Use of Electronic Callers
  • No Daily Limitd or Possession Limits
  • No Federal or State Waterfowl Stamps Required
  • Must have a valid hunting license from any state
  • Must leave 1 wing attached when transporting waterfowl across any borders
  • Shooting time: 30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset
  • During the Conservation Order residents and nonresidents, age 16 and older only need a Conservation Order Permit to chase, pursue and take snow, blue, and Ross’s geese. This permit costs $5 for residents and $40 for non-residents. Hunters with either a Resident Lifetime Conservation Partner Permit or a Resident Lifetime Small Game Hunting Permit do not need to purchase a Conservation Order Permit to hunt light geese during the Conservation Order.
  • Hunters 15 years old and younger do not need a Conservation Order Permit but must possess a valid hunter-education certificate card or hunt in the immediate presence of a properly licensed adult 18 years old or older who is hunter-education certified or was born before January 1, 1967.
  • Note: A Missouri small game hunting permit, Missouri Migratory Bird Hunting Permit, and Federal Duck Stamp are not required during the Conservation Order.

Our rules if not followed may result in the cancellation of the remainder of your hunt. It is at the discretion of the guide or affiliate to cancel the remainder of your hunt with us at no refund of paid services.

It is your responsibility to consider not only your safety but, everyone that is in the field with you. If you are a threat to the safety of our staff or to anyone who is in the field you will be asked to leave and do not return without a refund.

  • No alcohol in the field. Please do not attempt to bring alcoholic beverages with you into the field while hunting.
  • No shooting of any game outside of the game that we are attempting to harvest including waterfowl in season, and in the spring no waterfowl outside of snow geese, blue geese, or Ross's geese while hunting with us. Identify the birds and or game before you take a shot if you are unsure do not shoot.
  • The use of non-toxic shells only is required for waterfowl hunting with us. No lead shot is acceptable
  • You must possess a valid hunting license to enter a field with us and hunt.
  • No loading your guns until you have established your blind or stationary hunting blind or area and are ready to hunt in the field. No loading your guns at the road and walking to your blind with loaded guns. Only load your guns when you have got your gear in your blind and the guide says it’s ok to load your guns.
  • Guns always remain on safety unless we are shooting into a flock of birds or are attempting a shot on your intended target or game animal. Before we shoot you must only take the safety off as we call the shot, or you pull the trigger and then following the volley or shooting your firearm you must immediately put your safety back on.
  • No running through the field to pick up birds or to chase crippled animals or downed game unless approved by the Guide in charge of the field.
  • Do not shoot at any birds before a shot is called by the Guide in charge of the field.
  • Never point your gun at anyone in the field while hunting. It is your responsibility to pay attention to your surroundings and to make sure that you use the most extreme care of your firearm while in the field. Guns are to remain in your blind on the gun rest during the hunt unless approved by the guide in charge to walk down cripples.
  • Do not shoot over other people. Always shoot your side of the decoys when in a decoy set hunting waterfowl with us and do not cross shoot over the rest of the group.
  • Do not expose any waste grain that may be on the ground, no picking ears of corn or any crop and dispersing it around our decoy set at any time before, during, or after a hunt. If you come across ears of corn in or around our blinds or in the decoy set leave it alone do not move or touch it exposing ears of corn or any other dispersing of waste grain in a field that could result in a baiting ticket.
  • You are responsible for cleaning, transporting, tagging, and disposing of your snow goose carcasses and wild game. When you leave the field. You must leave a wing on your harvested snow geese to cross borders and you must claim what snow geese are yours or make sure that your r game animal is tagged properly. There is no possession limit or daily limit for our spring snow goose hunts on snow geese, blue geese, and Ross's geese so, if you want you can tag whatever means of transporting your harvested snow geese with name and address per box, cooler, bag, or however it is you plan to transport your harvested snow geese. Guide Services is not responsible for your snow geese after you leave the field and we are providing you with this information so that you are aware of how to properly transport your harvested snow geese when you leave the field or the location that we are hunting.
  • There may be some long walking required to get to the decoy set from the vehicles through muddy, wet, cold, snow, frozen ground, icy ground, dusty or hot conditions, through harvested wheat fields, bean fields, cornfields, cattle pastures, brush lines, ditches, and any other land or field obstacles that may present themselves and do require a certain amount of physical activity. It is important that you take this into consideration when booking a hunt with us because of any physical ailments or injuries that there is walking required and we cannot accommodate everyone with possible conditions to get out to where we are hunting.

Our guides’ safety and your safety are of the most importance to us and we want to make sure we are providing you with a safe and fun atmosphere while on a hunting trip with us. This is our way of providing you with the information and rules that we feel are necessary to keep our hunts safe and responsible. We are in no way responsible for your belongings and your gear and or equipment while on a hunt with us and you are taking full responsibility for yourself and your actions during your guided hunt with us. By signing this form, you are agreeing to our rules and acknowledging that we have provided you with information about transporting waterfowl across borders.

Lastly, by signing this form I also release the right to the use of any image, photograph, digital copy, or video footage involving myself and my party for promotional uses including websites, social media, print, and any other form of media used to promote or showcase.

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