AM or PM Waterfowl Hunt
Port O'Connor, TX
1-4 Hunters
Our guide service was initially started because of the quality waterfowl shooting our area has to offer. We focus on making your
adventure with us one one to remember. We cater to your needs not ours. To us, you’re not just another blind number, but a valued customer.
We take our Waterfowl
hunting seriously, and it shows in our hard work. Our work starts before you even get to the boat ramp, as maintaining equipment and scouting daily is just a small part of it. We hunt where the birds want to be, not where we want them to be. We take the hunt to the birds and it shows with our scouting sessions.
We winter over 90% of the nations population of Redhead ducks according to USFWS. In our area alone there are over 14 different
species of ducks including Bull Sprig Pintails, Huge American Baldpate Wigeon, Trophy Redheads, Greater and Lesser Scaup, Shoveler,
Gadwall, Bufflehead and occasional Goldeneye.
This particular hunt you have the option to choose an AM or PM hunt.
We hunt rivers and dry fields. We typically target pintails, wigeons, redheads, blue bills and cottontops,
What we provide
- Hunting Blind
- Transportation to and from the blinds
- Labrador retriever for retrieving downed birds (Ms. Avery)
- Decoys
- Cleaning and packaging of birds
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Your Outfitter

Brandon K
We offer Guided Waterfowl and Guided fishing trips on the Texas Coast. Whether you want to chase redfish down in skinny water or wade fish with topwaters for Speckled Trout, we have custom trips for everyone. We can shoot ducks in the morning, pick up then chase fish the rest of the afternoon. We are here for you.
Gear List
- Weather Appropriate Hunting Gear
- Shotgun & Ammuntion
- Personal Items
- Drinks & Snacks
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Rules & Guidelines
Hunting License Required
Please note, there is a 50% nonrefundable deposit included with your payment when booking.
What to bring
- Valid Texas hunting license with the following stamps
- Federal Migratory Stamp and Texas migratory stamp
- HIP certificate
- Hunter’s Education
- Shotgun
- Shotgun shells – we recommend #2’s or 4’s steel shot
- Waders or hipboots
- Bug spray
- Sunscreen
- Camo Clothing (face masks or paint, hat and shirt)
- Rain Gear
- Clothing comfortable for the boat ride and hunting trip
- Ice chest for taking game back home
- Camera
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