George S Outfitter Profile

Hi, I'm George
I've been a member since August 2021
I operate a very, very personalized business. I believe it is very difficult to find another Brown bear guide that takes fewer hunters or puts more into each hunt than I do. There have been several articles and write-ups in major hunting publications about my brown bear guide service over the years. I’ve been personally guiding hunters in the field for almost All of my adult life. References from my past clients I believe illustrate my experience and professionalism. Fair chase, honest hunts, and 110% effort on my part are guaranteed.
I am certified for Alaska Game Management Units 6, 17, 18, 19, 25, and 26. I am currently specializing and focusing exclusively on big brown bear hunts along Alaska’s Gulf Coast due to the increase in their numbers and the reduction of the ungulate populations across Alaska. These areas have some very dense populations of bears of exceptional size. All five pacific salmon species are found in our streams and in heavy numbers. Bear populations are up and hunting pressure in these remote areas is relatively low and so unlimited licenses and tags can be gotten through the mail or on-line at will. Recently, I’ve been focusing on fall hunts (opposed to spring hunts) because the bears are concentrated along the streams, and it is simply easier to be very up close to more bears. I’ve also been focusing on early fall hunting when the bears are more likely to still be in their summer fishing habits along the streams and not dispersing all over the area, or moving to the higher country. At this time the days are still very long, so the bears aren’t quite so nocturnal, and there’s more hunting hours. I have learned over the years this is very important. The weather is usually milder too. Many brown bear guides can’t do this, because their season opens late. It’s a real kick in the butt to hunt these great bears right on the salmon holes where they’re fishing everyday. You have a good chance to kill a very big brown bear in this area.
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