Brandon N Outfitter Profile

Hi, I'm Brandon
I've been a member since January 2021
Wild pig hunt has been on my bucket list for quite sometime and Brandon made our hunt better than we could imagine. Awesome hunt, awesome guide and will definitely be back. Thanks Brandon! -Mike W
I take offering good hunts seriously. I am a success driven person . Your success in the field is my success as well. I only sleep about 4hrs a night during weeks I am guiding, this is generally all I have time for . I spend my days talking with current and new landowners maintaining those relationships and always trying to work a deal on new lands and opportunities for hunting. I spend the day mixing corn and attractants and baiting new and current spots. I make sure the 9 cellular trail cameras spread across 7000 acres of non-continous land are functional and baited . I scout , then scout some more. I walk miles checking for recent activities and new sign. I try to know what hogs are where and how many should be in each area. I maintain trailways and access points for the hogs to get into our fields and feed areas. I check zero on every rifle once a week currently (I used to do it twice a week when ammo was available) . Some outfitters are more than happy to take your money and set you in a seat in front of a feeder and let luck take over from there for their clients without much effort outside of that. We strive to give you a good memory and a fun hunt while supplying you with all you need including a thermal scope !
Want to get in touch with Brandon?